One Definition of Rally:

One definition of rally..."To summon up (one's strength, spirits, etc) or (of a person's health, strength, or spirits) to revive or recover."

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Cancer has entered our vocabulary...

Just when we were beginning to feel like there may be a light at the end of the tunnel, we found out today that Alyona's tumor is a malignant one.  Results of blood tests run on Friday came back today.  They tell us it is definitely cancer.
 It is called a mixed germ cell tumor.  One of the most rare.  Because of the delicate location of the tumor, by the eye nerves, endocrine glands and pituitary glands they do not want to operate.  They are turning to chemotherapy and radiation.  Eight to 10 months for a young girl to endure.  To begin with, they will need to do a spinal tap to make sure it hasn't spread as this is known to spread to the spine.  Then they will be putting in feeding tubes because they don't feel Aly will be able to maintain her weight as she has already had issues prior to this complete diagnosis.  Then the treatment will begin.
What lies ahead is unknown.  I'm scared for this sweet little girl.  It is not fair for someone who has already been through so much in her young life to be expected to endure this.


  1. Dear Jayne, Kevin, Tom, and Alyona,

    Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be praying that God gives wisdom to the doctors as they give treatment.

    I will be praying that God will provide you with all that your family needs at this time; strength, endurance, comfort, peace, as you face this trial together.
    Take Care,
    Jimella and family

  2. My mom, Marilyn Walker passed on the prayer request this morning for Aly. I ask God to be with Aly and your whole family during this time. For all of you to feel God's love and presence. For Aly to respond well to treatment and for complete healing. For God to guide the doctors and nurses. Please know I'll be lifting you all up in prayer.
    Wishing you a blessed day!
    Vicki Morphew

  3. Scary times... just know we are all here, "rallying for Aly", in our thoughts, in our prayers. Love you all.

  4. Kevin,
    I just heard about this through the grapevine - your family and your daughter will be in my thoughts. Take care!

    Jennifer Snyder

  5. Jayne, Kevin, Tom and Aly -

    Please know that you are in my thought and prayers as you face the road ahead. There are no easy answers at this time, but know I am thinking about you and believe that God will make this all right. Thank you for keeping Aly's blog, it makes me feel closer to you.

    Thoughts and prayers,

  6. Hi Kevin and Jayne, I'm saying prayers for Aly and for all of you. Keep us posted.
    Becky Zenz

  7. Aly,
    I am from Montenegro and I know you through your grandpa Jack and your grandma Jan who and my family love a lot. Your grandma send me an e-mail with the terrible news. I wish that was just a bad dream.
    I did have some facebook conversation with you a long time ago, and I know how smart you are.
    Your grandma told me that you are very brave girl too. I believe in your strength, my thoughts are with you.
