One Definition of Rally:

One definition of rally..."To summon up (one's strength, spirits, etc) or (of a person's health, strength, or spirits) to revive or recover."

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Super Saturday!

Aly is home today!  WOOHOO! WOOHOO!...a "normal" treatment, FINALLY!  We're doing the happy dance!  :)  Now all we need is a little sunshine!


  1. We are sending you our sunshine!!!!

  2. GO GO ALY!!! What great news!! Im glad you are home and brought the sunshine with you!!

  3. It was so great seeing you this weekend, Aly, and your happy face is brighter than the sunshine - both at the hospital, then at Grandpa and Grandma's! Thanks for sharing your time with us!!! Love you so much!
