One Definition of Rally:

One definition of rally..."To summon up (one's strength, spirits, etc) or (of a person's health, strength, or spirits) to revive or recover."

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday afternoon brought us a clinic appointment with low blood counts, so a transfusion was in order.  Loved how the dr. said, "well, we can do a transfusion today, or you could wait a day or two and bring her back to check the counts again.  She could get to the point where she is so tired she wouldn't want to get up or some patients pass out because their counts are so low their body can't handle it."  Oh, that sounds like no big deal to me, how bout you??  Uh, yeah, we'll take the transfusion now thank you very much.

So, as usual, what we thought would be a quick clinic visit turned into a few hours.  We did not get home until 7pm, just in time to meet with the Make a Wish people.  Aly still can't decide what she really, really wants.  She is thinking a pool in the back yard (sorry Heather, that would include a fence), or the other option is a trip to Hawaii.  The pool would have to be an above ground as they will not attempt an in ground one.  She can't decide.  I know what my choice would be, but I am keeping my mouth shut.  It must be totally her choice as it is her wish and she is the one going through all this ______(insert your own word).

Today, she is feeling pretty good.  Still kind of down in the dumps, even after talking about fun things.  After talking so much about swimming this past week and having the swim team invite her to swim any time she wants, she told me she didn't want to go swimming this evening as planned.  I think her insecurities got the best of her.  She told me she was going to wear her "big" swim suit, and later I figured out that she was worried about her stomach port sticking out.  I think she is also very self conscious about not having any hair and people seeing her without her hat on.  I finally said, "how can you not swim when you've been talking about it for so long." So she went.  She lasted about 20 minutes and then was tired and had had enough.  Coach Terri said she still had her "perfect" form.  I think that made her feel better!  :)

We've just got to keep her busy.  When she is idle, she dwells on the negatives too much.

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