One Definition of Rally:

One definition of rally..."To summon up (one's strength, spirits, etc) or (of a person's health, strength, or spirits) to revive or recover."

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

cautiously rejoicing

The tests have come back on the biopsies and there is no cancer in what they removed from Aly's brain!  THANK THE LORD!  It seems the chemo did the job on the cancerous portion of the tumor and the remaining was just dead cells.  It would've been nice to have been able to figure this out without having to do this complicated surgery though!  The sample they took from her frontal lobe, the new growth area that was showing, was just blood.  They believe the other areas are the same.  They are planning to do another MRI today to see what the status is on the other areas.  It is possible that there was some bleeding that took place and that could be a result of low platelet counts after chemo.  We will have to wait and see. 

Aly is still on the mend.  Her eyes have been swollen shut for the last couple of days.  She is not a happy camper.  She has been very quiet and withdrawn.  I think there is a lot going through her little head.  I can only guess she is concerned about her eye sight.  When she came out of surgery and woke up, she could see fine out of her right eye, there was some limited vision in her left.  Yesterday, when they lifted her lids to check vision, she could not see anything out of her right eye and still limited in the left.  We are praying now that the vision is restored in both.  We won't know for a while until the swelling goes down and she is further along in the healing process.  It would be awful if she has to go back to the limited vision after the vast improvement she had.  She is also angry about having to get up out of bed when she wants to rest and she has to go through this breathing exercise to exercise her lungs to avoid pneumonia  and that makes her head hurt so she has been fighting us on that as well.   

Thank you all for your prayers!  I know they've been helping.  Please continue to pray for Aly's recovery.


  1. Hope this "roller coster" will come to the end very soon! We will continue to pray and think of you!

  2. Yay awesome Aly!!!

    Praying for continued good news !
    Love Sam , Sheila & girls

  3. As always, your family is in my prayers! It was so nice to hear good news today! Hurray Ally! Continueing to pray...

  4. Prayers continuing for your sweet girl!!!

  5. We were so happy the hear the good news and will be waiting for good news on the vision. You can feel for this little girl as she struggles with so many issues. It surely is a roller coaster ride for all of you. Thank you so much for posting these blogs. We are all praying for all of you.
